Channel: Blogging – Photography That Matters
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Updated Blogroll


Updating my blogroll use to happen far more frequently than it does now. I think that was because I was able to spend more time on blogging, reading as well as writing. I can no longer do that. I have barely enough time to write any posts at all, much less keep up with all the blogs I’ve subscribed to. The only reason I’m doing it now is because I cannot sleep.

Updating the blogroll was also done a lot once blogging hit the scene some 10 years ago because it was a way to help build up readership. The theory was that if you added someone’s site to your site, then they would do the same. I’m not sure that is the case any longer. Blogging has changed over the past 10 years. The only blogs that last are those who persevere in writing. Given that, a lot of blogs have come and gone. That is why I eliminated several blogs from my blogroll. The owners of those blogs have not kept them up with any frequency.

I also have to say that I eliminated Wintery Knight from the blogroll. I’ve grown tired of his posts, especially his anti-Calvinistic posts in which he uses the same, tired out straw men. Calvinism, as far as I’m concerned, is the gospel (first said by C.H. Spurgeon). Anything less is not. Where it becomes less for WK is the constant mantra of free will, as in “all man must do is exercise his free will in deciding to follow Jesus.” Sorry, I don’t believe the Bible teaches that. In fact, where it mentions the will of man and salvation, it says that salvation has nothing to do with “man’s will.” See John 1:12-13. We are saved by grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone, not by those things and our “free will.” Also, the Bible never talks about men in their pre-conversion state as being free. They are slaves to sin, unable to do anything but sin. See Romans 6.

Just for clarity sake, I didn’t come to know Christ when I was 29 years old because I exercised my free will. I came to know Him because His Spirit moved in me, gave me a new heart and the desire to follow Him. Had God not first moved in me to bring me to faith, I would be one miserable agnostic today. Instead, I’m a child of God, saved by grace and blessed with all the spiritual blessings to be had in Christ.

Finally, I did add another blog that I have found interesting and well done. You probably have seen Alec Satin’s comments on some of my posts. His blog is call While It’s Yet Day and he covers things from a Reformed perspective. You might check it out.

If I removed your blog and would like it placed back in the blogroll… well, blog and let me know, for I will.

Filed under: Blogging

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